Norm Coleman, and his special interest allies - through lies, half truths, and innuendo - continue to hammer the message that Al Franken is somehow "unfit for office."
Many families with young children wish that Norm Coleman, and his allies, would put "Parental Disclaimers" on his adult content ads, to allow them to get the children out of the room before they run.
Meanwhile, our economy continues its long decline. The Republican social experiment in wealth redistribution called "trickle down economics" has woefully failed the country. The wealthy got wealthier - and greedier -while the middle class lost ground.
While many blame George W. Bush, the Republican party - and the special interest groups they cater to - are to blame. Republicans have consistently supported "trickle down economics" and opposed reasonable policies and regulations to protect average citizens.
I cringe every time I hear a Republican ad stating that the Democrats "will raise your taxes." If I didn't know the facts, I might conclude that the average Minnesota family was doing reasonably well - earning more than $250,000 per year.
But the fact is that the average Minnesota family doesn't earn more than $250,00 a year. The average Minnesota family is in trouble. They have lost ground in the last decade under Republican "leadership." Meanwhile, the wealthy have gotten much wealthier, and the Republicans want to cut their taxes even more.
Note to Norm Coleman - Leadership is not being a lapdog to special interests. Leadership means you have a spine and know how to use it. Leadership is not about political ideology or extremist religious beliefs. Leadership is looking beyond the next election. Leadership is putting the Country First - not as an empty John McCain campaign slogan, but in real actions which support the average citizen, not just the special interests.
Norm, I've seen great leaders. You are not a leader. Not even close. You are unfit for office.
Norm, I've seen great leaders. You are not a leader. Not even close. You are unfit for office.