Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here We Go Again....

Republicans are nothing if not unlucky.

Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty appointed his Lieutenant Governor, Carol Molneau, to lead the state's Department of Transportation. Under the Pawlenty "leadership" needed road maintenance and repairs were ignored. When consultants hired by the DOT suggested that money be spent on repairs and maintenance, they were directed to come back with "less costly" options.

After all, Tim Pawlenty had made a pledge to the wealthy taxpayer's lobby, promising to hold down taxes. The citizen's of Minnesota be damned. Protecting the wealthy was more important.

Then, a little over a year ago, the 35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed into the Mississippi river. Many were injured and about a dozen killed. What unfortunate "luck."

While never stated publicly, the Republicans are "good businessmen." Such losses, while "regrettable" in a public sense, are "acceptable" as long as good Republican principles are maintained.

Now, on the eve of the Republican National Convention, a tropical storm - predicted to become a category 3 hurricane - is heading toward the gulf coast.

If the storm causes damage in New Orleans while the Republicans celebrate in St. Paul, Americans can't help to be reminded of the incompetent "leadership" the Republicans have offered over the last 8 years

That's something that even the Karl Rove attack machine will have a hard time spinning.

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