Friday, March 19, 2010

Another Day Without Health Care Reform

Another day.

Another day without health care reform. Another day of ever higher costs for my friends and family.

A friend just got a notice that her health insurance rates are going up 9%. She doesn't know how she'll afford it. Her wages have been cut.

Still, the Republicans continue to mislead the public and block efforts to reform the system.

I find in hard to believe that each and every Republican agrees with the party line propaganda. But, like a good cult, the Republicans keep their members in line.

Even the former Maverick, John McCain, has been forced to tow the Republican party line.

During the Presidential campaign, Senator McCain corrected a supporter in a town hall meeting who claimed Barack Obama was an "Arab." More recently, he declined to disavow Sarah Palin's claim that the Health Care Reform bill included a provision for "Death Panels." (Note to Fox Newz - not to be confused with any real news organization - viewers, there's no such provision. There never was.)

It's a shame when a once honorable politician must ignore the truth in order to satisfy the most extreme members of his party.

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