Sunday, May 22, 2011

Disgraceful Abuse of Power (Equal Rights In Peril)

My compliments to those Democrats (and one Republican) who stood on the floor of the Minnesota House and spoke so eloquently in support of Equal Rights for all Minnesota citizens.
The proposed Constitutional Amendment under "debate" on the House floor - the first ever proposed Constitutional Amendment in Minnesota to deny Equal Rights, rather than expand those rights - perfectly reflects modern-day Republican views and values. They believe that they were elected into office to cut - no matter what the consequences. Throughout this session, they've voted to cut all sorts of programs in this once proud state. They've voted to throw the poor and senior citizens under the bus, so why not vote against Equal Rights for everyone too?
The only arguments heard on the House floor by proponents in support of the proposed Constitutional Amendment centered on letting the people vote. The House author of the proposed amendment refused to answer repeated questions about the merits of the amendment or his thinking in authoring it. Instead he kept repeating only his prepared words - that the amendment gives Minnesota voters the opportunity to vote on an existing law. 
What a crock of "Bull Whoee." The original law was wrong, and now he wants to enshrine it in Minnesota's Constitution. 
Equal Rights are granted by the US Constitution. Revoking them should not be subject to pandering wrong-minded politicians and the bigoted special interest groups who support them. No politician, no special interest group, no group of voters, and no wrong-minded judge should ever be allowed to deny Equal Rights to American citizens.
In 2012, Minnesota's voters will, for the first time ever, vote on a Constitutional Amendment to deny Equal Rights to Minnesota citizens.
Between now and then, Minnesotans will be bombarded with messages and commercials, both pro and con.
I have heard nothing from the Republican majority to indicate why denying Equal Rights to all should be enshrined in Minnesota's Constitution. I've heard nothing to support a legitimate state interest in denying same-sex marriage - in fact, all legitimate evidence supports the benefits of a loving relationship, including relationships between same-sex couples.
Shame on Minnesota Republicans. Shame on those equally wrong-minded citizens who elected them.
The fight for Equal Rights continues, despite this appalling setback. And, as with all past Equal Rights struggles, this setback will (eventually) be corrected. History shows that Equal Rights will eventually prevail. But, it's unfortunate that the once proud Republican Party has turned its back on Equal Rights, and all this country is supposed to stand for.
Shame on you Republican Majority.

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