I know how dejected Republicans must feel today.
I grew up as part of a large, staunchly Republican, extended
family. Over the years, a few family members actually ran for public office as Republicans; and,
some even won. My immediate family, and I, actually campaigned for the original
“Mr. Conservative,” Barry Goldwater, during his failed 1964
campaign for President. I was “totally bummed” when “my guy” was easily
defeated. He received only 39% of the popular vote, which translated into just
52 votes in the Electoral College. President Lyndon Baines Johnson received 486 Electoral College votes.
Even in defeat, Barry Goldwater was still widely respected
in Arizona (he was a five term U.S. Senator from Arizona).
Yet, in his later years, the Republican Party of Arizona turned
on him. Some members even demanded that his name be removed from the Arizona
Republican Party Headquarters building. His “sin” was that, like most
Republicans of his generation, he had become “far too liberal” for an increasingly conservative, and militant, Republican Party.
Barry Goldwater actually came out in support of allowing gays to serve in the military. He also worked with
a bipartisan group to eliminate job
discrimination based on sexual orientation. He was quoted as saying
that “gays have a constitutional right”
to be who they are. He was, of course, very right, when his Party had become so very wrong.
Barry Goldwater was also highly critical of the Republican Party’s increasing embrace of
the “Religious Right.” He
angered Republicans by openly endorsing a Democrat, rather than the good “Christian Conservative” candidate that they
had endorsed. Barry’s candidate won.
At some point, I became aware of Barry’s having been labeled
as being “too liberal” for the Republican Party. Not long before his death, I
wrote and asked him about it. His reply was that his positions were simply “common sense.” I wrote back, and said “I agree.” After over 100 years of solid
Republican Party support, the majority of my extended family had left the once
proud Republican Party due to the destructive path they’d chosen to follow.
Barry Goldwater is just one of many past prominent Republicans who would not meet current Republican
Party “standards.” Some others would include:
- Abraham Lincoln – He failed to respect “State’s Rights.” He interfered with private businesses (slavery was "necessary if their businesses were to survive"). And, he took private property (their slaves) without compensation.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower – He expanded Social Security. He interfered with “State’s Rights” by sending federal troops to Arkansas to enforce public school desegregation. And, he initiated a massive public works project which created the Interstate Highway System (a system which continues to irritate thousands of drivers a day as they commute to and from work).
- Ronald Reagan – He actually negotiated with Democrats and compromised when necessary to secure a deal. He even raised taxes (contrary to the revisionist teachings of Grover Norquist and the modern day Republican Party).
The Republican Party of today is clearly in trouble. Demographic
trends are against them. There simply aren’t enough rich white men to consistently elect Republicans. And, while “Christian Conservatives” have been successfully exploited to provide
reliable Republican votes, younger voters overwhelmingly reject the divisiveness caused by inflexible religious doctrine. Even most strongly religious individuals have come to realize that the
U.S. Constitution won’t allow discriminatory religious doctrine to be the law
in our nation. Besides, Christians too have been hurt by the irresponsible fiscal policies of the Republican Party.
If the Republican Party is to remain relevant in the future,
they must purge the extremists - who have led them astray - from their ranks. They must accept
responsibility for the Bush years, and admit that starting two wars while
giving huge tax cuts to the very wealthy was not responsible. They must pledge
to negotiate in good faith to move our nation forward. They must renounce
pledges to powerful special interest groups which prevent them from putting our
nation first. They must stop using divisive “social issues” to win votes. It’s
not healthy for our nation.
And, Republicans must recognize and embrace that we are a diverse
nation – not simply a nation of rich white men. For the strength of the
Republican Party, and more importantly, the strength of our nation, they must embrace our
nation’s diversity and learn to represent all Americans, not just the favored
To be sure, I don’t expect to see such changes any time soon.
The modern day Republican Party “brand” is quite opposed to it, and their core
voters are very committed to their narrow agendas. Besides, the very wealthy
are very pleased with Washington gridlock, as it allows them to continue to
benefit from historically low tax rates.
Watch closely what Republicans do over the
next two years – especially those Grover Norquist controlled Republicans. Will
they continue to hold our nation hostage by demanding more tax cuts for the very wealthy, with
absolutely no compromise allowed? Or, will they put our nation first and begin
to represent all Americans, not just the extremist fringe?
If the Republican Party continues to embrace the “new and
improved brand” imposed by Karl Rove and Grover Norquist (two real life “Lead
from Behind” dictators), their Party, and our nation, will continue to suffer.
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