Friday, October 29, 2010

Toddler Meltdowns & Today's Politics

Raising children, as most parents - especially those with toddlers - will attest, can be very challenging. Toddlers tend to have very short attention spans. Toddlers lack the reasoning capability to analyze conflicting thoughts. They typically can't determine what's best for them now, and certainly not into the future. When a toddler wants something, they want it NOW.

Even those who never experienced it with their children, have certainly seen it - A young child visits a store with his or her parent. The child spots something they want. When their parent says "no," or otherwise doesn't provide what they want immediately, the child quickly enters "meltdown mode." Some adults - usually parents - look on sympathetically. Other adults shoot judgmental looks at the parent whose child is flailing about on the floor, crying and shouting, "I want it. I want it. Pleaaasseee. I want it," as if to say "Why can't you control your child?"

There's a reason toddlers - and older children - are not allowed to vote. We want them to develop their reasoning powers, before allowing them to vote in our nation's elections.

According to the "talking head" pundits and pollsters today, the American public - and likely voters - are signaling that they're content to behave as if they are toddlers.

Collectively, we're mad as hell. And, like a toddler in the midst of a meltdown, there's no reasoning with us. We intend to take out our anger and frustration over lost jobs, lower wages, lost savings, and failure to deliver on "our" special interest demands, on everyone we can, even if they're not the real problem.

This election year, our choices are very clear. Do we vote based on our "inner toddler" or our "inner adult?" Do we vote out of frustration, anger, and fear? Or, do we vote for our future, the future of our children, and the future of our nation?

There's still time to decide.

To prove the pundits wrong, we need to seek out unbiased sources of information (as best we can in today's angry, highly polarized, nation). We need to carefully listen to opposing viewpoints. We need to research all the issues, not just the issues involving "our" special interests, but also those issues supported by others. Which, if any, of these issues will allow our nation to move forward?

As adults, what we do will affect generations of toddlers to come. We need to demand of ourselves, what most of us demand of our children as they grow older - Don't yell or fight. Study hard. Seek out answers. Think before you act.

Analyze the real issues (usually not found in vicious attack ads) thoughtfully and carefully.

Then, VOTE.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Job Killing - Tax Cuts?

Republican candidates continue to run ads accusing their Democratic opponents of advocating "Job Killing Taxes." They preach that our nation's problems can only be solved through lower taxes and less regulation. It's the same message they've continued to preach for decades. And, after Enron, Arthur Anderson, AIG, millions of jobs lost, and the near total collapse of our economy, I don't believe it anymore.

I know that economic theory advises that lower taxes "should" help the private sector to provide good jobs. But, one thing the theory apparently didn't factor in is Greed. If we didn't know it before, we do now: "Greed Trumps Theory."

Sure, Republicans were successful in implementing historically low taxes for businesses (some of which reportedly make use of provisions in our bloated tax code to pay no Federal taxes) and the wealthy. But, their "Trickle Down Economics," as it was originally called, failed to produce any of the promised benefits to the nation as a whole. Greed took over. Big Business and the wealthiest 5% of our population have done quite nicely under Republican policies. The remaining 95% of our population lost ground.

Over the last few decades, millions of good jobs were shipped overseas. Millions of additional jobs were lost as Big Business and Wall Street greed nearly caused a total collapse of our economy, resulting in a severe recession which we're still looking to recover from. One can only wonder just how much farther our decline might have been if Republicans had been as successful in destroying good government jobs as their Big Business benefactors were in destroying good private sector jobs. Somebody needs to buy the goods and services businesses provide, and the rich can't (or won't) buy enough to help our economy recover.

Until Big Business starts hiring again, and average Americans begin to have enough confidence to resume spending, our economy will remain weak. Big Business can't have it both ways. As long as the only economic security they provide is to their top executives, consumer confidence, and our economy, will continue to falter.

If the events of the last few decades are a guide, keeping low taxes for Big Business and the wealthiest 5% of our population will not provide the jobs our country needs. And, with the possible exception of greedy CEOs, it will not guarantee good paying jobs into the future. It will only help to increase our country's debt.

Think about it. What has "Trickle Down Economics" done for our nation? Are you more financially secure than you were 10 years ago, or 20 years, or 30 years ago? For the majority of our nation, the answer is "NO." If you answered yes, you may be lying to yourself; Or, you may be extremely wealthy; Or, you somehow managed to sidestep the housing melt-down, the financial fraud, the sharp losses in the market, and unemployment. Most in our country weren't nearly as lucky.

Do you really want to vote out the Democrats who, despite obstructionist Republicans who refused to help, actually passed some laws which will ultimately be good for our nation? Why, after allowing Democrats only two years to fix the mess they inherited, and when our economy has started to show signs of improvement, would you want to return to power Republicans whose policies did so much to help destroy jobs and the economy?

Job Killing Taxes? Like the politicians who claim that they will create jobs (private sector jobs, not the government jobs they despise), I suspect the phrase is just another in a long series of political lies.

I just find it very offensive when it's used to pander for votes when so many are without jobs, and our country is drowning in debt.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Our Nation Depends on Us - Vote Wisely

Less than three weeks from now, this year's Political Silly Season will be over - except for the inevitable analysis of why we voted the way we did.

According to the "experts," my fellow independents and I hold the key to this year's election. It's predicated that our anger and frustration about the poor state of the economy and lack of jobs will cause us to vote to "throw the bums out." Unfortunately, in doing so we may sweep some "good players" out of office, replacing them with extremists who will continue to obstruct positive moves to improve our country.

I intend to do as I've always have done, and examine each candidate individually and attempt to determine which ones would be best for our country. It's a tough task with so much disinformation being produced.

One thing we've seen over the last few decades is that, in politics, half truths, misrepresentations, and outright lies seem to rule the day. This has been fuelled by self aggrandizing bloggers and supposed news organizations more interested in promoting controversy to drive ratings than in encouraging reasoned debate and accurate reporting. Every day during the Political Silly Season, most of the political ads seem to consist of misleading statements, if not blatant lies. After a grueling political season, it's no wonder that so many politicians are ultimately believed to be dishonest. To get elected, most have started with "misleading" ads. It's maddening. We deserve better.

I continue to watch and read as many differing opinions as I can, even the ones with which I strongly disagree. Ironically, some of my subscriptions once resulted in a major political party attempting to recruit me to be a poll watcher for them (I declined, while keeping to myself that I found most of their views hateful and wrong).

Unfortunately, many of us don't bother to listen to different opinions. Instead, we tend to listen only to those we most agree with. Anyone who disagrees with our opinion is an irrational zealot (or whatever derogatory term we choose to label them). I wonder if the majority of us would still believe that the earth is flat, if the Internet or Fox Newz ("It's like the news, only different") existed at the time that that belief was widely held. I long ago learned that the notion that the "collective wisdom of the public is always correct" is usually flat out wrong. Wall Street continues to make big money from those who follow the "collective wisdom" of others. Typically, those who follow the herd - without thinking - end up buying high and selling low, a recipe for losing significant sums of money, while further enriching Wall Street brokers.

I fear for the future of our country. Collectively, we seem to have become a nation of lazy idiots. If we read something in a blog, or hear it repeated (over and over and over) on an alleged news channel, we automatically believe it to be true. If we receive a "chain" email with a message which seems to bolster what we've seen on the Internet or an alleged news channel, we believe it - we even pass it on to our extended circle of friends. We don't analyze anything. We accept as true anything we hear from our "news channel" of choice. Because we're "true believers" we never fact check most of the opinions we see or hear.

Ignoring the truth was not a lesson I learned as a child. And, it's not a lesson I'd teach children today. Instead, my children were encouraged to not only learn the facts, but also learn how to verify and interpret those facts. Unfortunately, many choose to teach their children only what they believe to be true - even if it isn't - then blame the public school system when their child fails to learn.

It's been reported that the nation as a whole believes that the Health Care Reform Act is "bad" for the country. Starting with the angry shouting matches about "death squads" and other such lies, and continuing through the lies surrounding attempts to use abortion politics to defeat it, there was little reasoned debate before it became law. One side absolutely refused to offer any meaningful solutions, instead labeling (incorrectly) the legislation as a "Government Takeover of Health Care" (it isn't). Many continue to mislead the American public. They don't give a rat's ass about what's best for the country, only that private-sector businesses can make huge profits, while we continue to overpay for our healthcare.

Some politicians have actually produced ads exploiting the public's misconceptions (which they had helped to promote) about the Health Care Reform Act. One ad supporting a Wisconsin Republican candidate for Senate even attempts to use rising health insurance costs to show that the law isn't working (even before fully implemented) - His Democratic opponent, who voted for the law, should be thrown out of office, to be replaced by the Republican candidate, just because insurance costs went up again this year. This, of course, is ludicrous.

Health care premiums have been rising at a rate far exceeding the inflation rate for years. When the Republicans were in power they did absolutely nothing to help reform the system. Unless, of course, one counts enacting an unfunded Medicare drug benefit while refusing to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, as an example of reform. It's also important to note that businesses have a habit of raising rates/fees right before laws looking to curb their excesses take effect (have we already forgotten what the credit card companies did before the law to reform that industry took affect?).

Our founding fathers designed our government to have three co-equal branches - the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. For at least the last three decades, one major political party has done its best to destroy what the founding fathers created - all while waving the flag and declaring that they support the Constitution.

They've attempted to starve government, lowering taxes for the wealthy, while giving a blank check to big business to do whatever they want with zero accountability. They've tended to ignore any law or constitutional dictate they didn't like (Warrantless phone taps? Equal protection? Torture? Seriously?). They've attempted to undermine our country's faith in its government and in the nation's judiciary. They've done this by labeling any law which which aims to directly improve the life of its citizens as socialism, any law which attempts reasonable regulation of business as "job killing," and any court decision they do not like as being the work of an "activist judge." Hogwash.

For the last three decades or so, the Republicans have preached "Trickle Down Economics" (whether or not they've called it that). They've enacted laws to reduce taxes for the wealthy, while attempting to eliminate reasonable regulation and oversight of business. If nothing else, the last decade should have clearly demonstrated that "Trickle Down Economics" DOES NOT work. Greed trumps theory. While Republican policies have helped to further enrich the wealthy, every one else lost ground.

The Republicans have nearly destroyed the middle class. Poverty has increased. The Republicans turned their backs on the working class while companies shipped millions of good jobs overseas. They turned their backs as company after company cut or eliminated defined benefit retirement programs in favor of 401(k) plans (which were never intended to be a primary vehicle for retirement savings). The net result has been a loss of economic security for the typical worker. Corporate executives, however, fared quite well. Their economic security increased. Executive salaries surged, as did stock options, and executive retirement funding. Quite a few walked away with multi-million dollar severance payments after they destroyed the companies they worked for - with more jobs lost by people who lacked such "golden parachutes."

Sure, some executives were forced to take pay cuts as the economy soured. And yes, their net worth may have declined a bit. But, their salaries still exceeded the salaries of their workers, making it easier for them to survive the temporary setback than it was for lower paid workers. Besides, many companies offered extra stock options to their executives, allowing them to reap huge rewards when their company's stock price rebounded.

As our country's economy declined, and millions of jobs were lost, and our deficit soared, the Republican message has never wavered: "Lower Taxes." They would even further increase the Country's deficit and debt, so that the wealthiest 5% of our population can continue to enjoy their historically low taxes.

This election (as with most) is vitally important. The Republicans, and especially their Tea Party fringe, would have us return to the failed policies of the last decade. They would further erode the middle class, while preaching that they'll lower taxes to create jobs. In fact, no politician can create private sector jobs. As the last decade showed us, historically low taxes did not create private sector jobs - they were shipped overseas in droves. A further continuation of the failed policies will surely result in more people reaching the Republican Nirvana of "No taxes" - When one can't find a job, and is living in poverty, their Federal income tax liability does tend to be zero. But, I don't see the unemployed rejoicing in the fact that that they don't owe Federal taxes. I can't imagine many would want to live in poverty, to avoid paying Federal taxes.

I pray that my fellow Independents will look beyond their anger, frustration, and fear and vote for the candidates who will best represent all the people of this great nation - not just narrow special interest groups preaching greed, fear, and intolerance.

Please think carefully. Attempt to learn the facts. Attempt to analyze them correctly. Vote wisely. Vote for hope, not fear. Vote for the future, not the past.

Our nation depends on us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Fox Newz Effect

Recently, a study found that nearly 25% of Americans believe - Incorrectly - that President Obama is a Muslim.

I see this as part of the Fox Newz (It's almost like the news, only different) Effect - after hearing the same lies over and over again, Fox Newz viewers start to believe them.

It's unfortunate. Many Fox Newz viewers are arguably otherwise intelligent individuals. But, by only listening to a single "entertainment" source for their news, they tend to be badly misinformed. They are slowly being brainwashed by a "Big Business" agenda which has also managed to buy the lock-step allegiance of a major political party.

It's sad. The country - and the world - has numerous problems. None will be solved by ideologues pushing extreme agendas. Yet, while ignoring their own extreme view, Fox Newz supporters have been trained to label any view which differs from the prescribed view as extreme (or in the case of the courts, activist).

For any Fox Newz viewer who happens to read this, I would encourage you to explore actual news outlets to obtain your news. While addictions can be tough to break, I'd encourage you to swear off Fox Newz for a month while seeking out objective news sources.

At the end of the month, I'd expect you to be better informed, and probably much less angry than you are now. But, you'd also probably know that President Obama is not a Muslim. And, weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq.

I know it's a hell of a challenge. But, America needs all of its best minds to work together to solve the problems we face. We can't afford to continue following loud mouthed "entertainment" ideologues more interested in ratings than in promoting truth and accuracy.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are you a Mormon?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - the Mormons - have been running a series of feel good ads around the country. In them, they introduce some of their members. The ads seemingly stress that they have a diverse, inclusive, membership.

The problem is, the Mormons also ran a hate filled ad campaign in California, which encouraged voters to vote against equal rights for all citizens. The ads favored fear and bigotry.

Religious beliefs can be important in people's lives. But past religious beliefs have been shown to be wrong, too. Remember - the earth was once believed to be flat. It was also believed to be the center of the Universe. And, some religious leaders preached that [pick your minority] are inferior to whites.

Whether supported by organized religion, or by Target Corporation donating to support the campaign of a hate-filled candidate, it's wrong.

Hate only breeds more hate.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Michele Bachmann Again

Jim "the Election Guy" in Michele Bachmann's TV commercials appears to have an unnaturally wide stance that Larry Craig would have been proud of. It looks strange. But, at least he's haunting our TV's rather than airport restrooms.

While the visual stance is weird, the commercials seem to be vintage Republican. One even features the old Republican campaign phrase of "Tax and Spend."

There's no mention of the fact that cutting taxes for the wealthy, while starting two unfunded wars nearly caused the total collapse of our nation's economy. And, there's no mention of the fact that Republicans are the party of "Borrow and Spend."

Sadly, voters continue to respond to false Republican claims about the economy.

Under Republicans, the wealthy can expect to receive lower taxes and preferential treatment. What's left of the middle class can only expect higher taxes and "fees" along with fewer services.

As was the case over the last 10 years, tax cuts for the wealthy will be paid for by our children and grandchildren.

This time, however, the stakes are higher. If Republicans are successful in returning to the policies of the past, a double dip recession will most likely become a reality. The suffering of the middle class will far exceed anything we've seen since the Great Depression.

But, at least companies like BP will thrive, as Michele absolves them of any responsibility for their spills.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kudos to Fox Newz

Yesterday, Fox Newz (it's like the news, only different) interrupted the entertainment programs on their broadcast stations, to cover President Obama's signing of the recently passed Health Care Reform law.

It was quite a victory party for the Democrats after a brutal battle.

Fox deserves kudos for covering the event live.

The three major network news organizations, as has been their standard practice, also interrupted the entertainment programming on their broadcast networks to cover the event live.

The main difference seen between the three real news organizations and Fox Newz (not to be confused with any real news organization) came after President Obama's speech. ABC, CBS, and NBC each offered a brief, balanced, analysis and summary of the differing views on the new law. Fox's analysis was decidedly negative. There was no hint of balance.

To be fair, I didn't switch over to watch continuing coverage (if any) on cable TV. It's possible that Fox Newz managed to come up with a balanced analysis and summary on cable.

I doubt it.

But, hope springs eternal. Just like health care reform must begin with the small steps included in the new law, perhaps Fox Newz is taking some small steps to attempt to become a real news organization.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Common Sense Talking Points?

As the latest round of maneuvering and voting on Health Care Reform slowly grinds to conclusion later today, I've listened to some of the proceedings in the House of Representatives.

It's amazing the amount of time wasted in conducting a "debate of Talking Points" from the floor of the House.

It's also amazing to think that many of the same elected representatives who pushed us into an ill-advised, unfunded, three trillion dollar (estimated) war, continue to be worried that a cost of one trillion dollars - properly funded - to provide health care coverage to Americans is somehow too expensive.

Our priorities - and moral compass - needs correction.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Another Day Without Health Care Reform

Another day.

Another day without health care reform. Another day of ever higher costs for my friends and family.

A friend just got a notice that her health insurance rates are going up 9%. She doesn't know how she'll afford it. Her wages have been cut.

Still, the Republicans continue to mislead the public and block efforts to reform the system.

I find in hard to believe that each and every Republican agrees with the party line propaganda. But, like a good cult, the Republicans keep their members in line.

Even the former Maverick, John McCain, has been forced to tow the Republican party line.

During the Presidential campaign, Senator McCain corrected a supporter in a town hall meeting who claimed Barack Obama was an "Arab." More recently, he declined to disavow Sarah Palin's claim that the Health Care Reform bill included a provision for "Death Panels." (Note to Fox Newz - not to be confused with any real news organization - viewers, there's no such provision. There never was.)

It's a shame when a once honorable politician must ignore the truth in order to satisfy the most extreme members of his party.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Health Care Reform Opposition

I see that the US Chamber of Commerce, is again running ads against health care reform. They want citizens to call the targeted legislator to encourage him or her to "stand up for jobs" and vote against health care reform as it's "a health care bill we can't afford."

The US Chamber of Commerce is the lobbying arm for Big Business. They're anti-government, anti-regulation, anti-consumer, and anti-employee. While claiming to represent businesses of all sizes, and now, apparently, legions of the unemployed, they only really represent large business interests.

So, why would large companies (Big Business) want to continue with the current costly and unsustainable health care system? After all, Big Business was quick to abandon traditional pension plans when they were deemed to be too costly. They were quick to cut wages, and lay off millions of employees when the employees were deemed to be too costly.

Yet, for some reason, Big Business doesn't want Health Care Reform. They, have fought hard to prevent any reform from passing. They, and their Republican allies, have used every lie and distortion imaginable to deceive and frighten the American public. Some of these have included:

- It's a Government take-over of Health Care. We can't allow Government to take-over 1/6th of our economy.
- The Government will appoint "death squads" to deny critical care to dying people.
- The Government won't allow you to see the doctor of your choice.
- Health Care will be rationed.
- A bureaucrat will stand between you and your doctor.
- They're going to cut Medicare. Too bad, old folks.
- The reform bill is too big. There are too many pages to read. Stop, then take smaller steps toward reform.

Distortion. Lies. Lies, upon lies, followed by more lies. It's been a full force Marketing blitz, complete with the obligatory political sound bites. It's been designed to confuse the American people, while scaring them into believing that health care reform is a bad thing. Meanwhile, big business goes on as usual while health care costs continue to rise, and more and more people become uninsured.

A Big Business marketing campaign is a powerful thing. Most are designed to convince millions of otherwise smart people that they can't possibly do without the product being advertised, no matter what it is ("Doctor, I need that new drug, "Snake Oil," which I saw on TV. Tell me what it does.").

Advertising convinced millions of people to smoke. For years the tobacco companies swore smoking was safe and they made billions of dollars selling their harmful products to unsuspecting consumers.

Effective marketing, and the 24/7 cheer-leading by Fox Newz (not to be confused with any real news organization), stoked public opinion to support starting two costly, and unnecessary, wars. In fact, the marketing was so successful that about 25% of the population still believes that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.

Today, due to another effective marketing misinformation campaign, a similar percentage of the population believes that the entire national debt was caused by the Democrats. They seemingly have forgotten that it was Republicans that started two costly wars while refusing to pay for them. It was the first time in history that taxes were not raised to pay for a war. They also forget that it was (Big Business) corporate greed along with lax oversight by a Republican administration which nearly toppled the World's economy. Yet the Republicans continue to call for more tax cuts as the nation falls deeper into debt.

But, I digress.

Why does Big Business want to keep the country's health care system as it is today?

One might make a good argument that providing health care insurance to their employees is a valuable Profit Center for large companies (Big Business).

Let me explain.

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 89% of workers employed in firms of 5,000 or more employees (read Big Business) were covered by a self-insured health care plan offered by their employer. And, overall, 55% of all workers with health insurance are covered by a self-insured plan offered by their employer. The data is from 2008.

In a self-insured plan, the employer in effect becomes the insurance company. The employer decides what benefits to offer, how much those benefits are worth, and how much to charge their employees. In turn, they typically hire another company (often an insurance company) to administer their plan. In many cases, their employees don't even know that they're covered by a self-insured plan, believing instead that the plan administrator is the insurer.

To limit their risk, many self-insured companies have put caps on annual, or lifetime, benefits. Once an employee reaches one of the limits, they are no longer covered under the plan. Other companies buy blanket insurance policies which kick-in to cover any expenses which exceeded a given amount. Either way, the self-insured employer's risk is limited. Making a profit is almost guaranteed.

Offering self-insured health-care provides a number of advantages to large companies. The plans typically are exempt from state insurance regulations and mandates. The companies can offer different plans to different groups of employees (for example, offering the best coverage to the executive group). And, as the insurer, the employer is entitled to review the medical records of their employees.

Insurance companies have tended to be quite profitable. Is it unreasonable to think that self-insured plans have also been quite profitable for large (Big Business) employers?

It's also quite possible that self-insured companies attempt to tilt the odds in their favor, just like traditional insurance companies do, by eliminating high risk or high cost patients from their plans.

In fact, it's much easier for self-insured employers to eliminate high risk patients from their plans. An insurance company must figure out how to drop coverage for a patient without causing regulators to become suspicious. All the employer has to do is fire the employee, with no reference made to the cost of providing health care. It's simple. When an employee is diagnosed with an expensive chronic illness, or any condition which is predicted to require significant expenditures in the future, the company can quietly fire the employee in the midst of a "strategic corporate realignment" combined with a few "targeted layoffs."

So, I guess can understand why Big Business, the US Chamber of Commerce, and their Republican allies want to fight health care reform. The current system is profitable for Big Business, while providing extraordinary control over their employees. The fact that it stinks for everyone else is irrelevant. If it's good for Big Business it's good for the country. So sayeth the US Chamber of Commerce and the Republicans.

God Help Us.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods News?

Not long ago, there was a brief dust-up between Fox Newz (not to be confused with any real news organization) and the White House after Fox declined to interrupt its entertainment programming to cover a White House event live.

The real news organizations covered the event. They then offered some brief, fair, balanced, analysis and commentary. Then, they went back to their entertainment offerings.

Contrast that to this morning.

The Tiger Woods (non-news) apology was covered live by the real news organizations AND Fox Newz (not to be confused with any real news organization). Fox interrupted their entertainment programming to cover the Tiger Woods apology live.

Such is the sorry state of news reporting these days. News organizations pander to the public's obsession with celebrity, while failing to deal seriously with major issues of the day. And, one pseudo news organization panders to an ideology, often refusing to report real news.

It's no wonder this country is in trouble. Far too many tend to believe everything they hear, yet listen to only one source. We do not think. They do not question.

Only if we attempt to balance the sources we listen to, open our minds, think and question, will we once again return to the ideals of our forefathers.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Norm Coleman on the Radio

Norm Coleman resurfaced today hosting a program on WCCO AM 830 radio.

He was in rare form.

He criticized the partisanship and lack of civility in Washington. Both were traits which eluded him when he was in office - but he seemed happy to criticize his failings in others.

He also criticized the Democrats for "ignoring" the public rage expressed in last summer's town hall meetings.

After all, populist anger must be listened to. The "public" is happy with their current health insurance. They don't want any government mandated changes.

Norm followed this up by criticizing President Obama for listening to the public anger and attacking the banks.

Populist anger must not be listened to. At least not when it would lead to punishment of Big Business.

Political "Norm Speak" in action. Hogwash.

At least Norm still reads and adheres to the Republican "Talking Points." Ordinary middle class citizens must not be listened to. Big Business, the wealthy, and their supportive Republican drones are the only ones who count.

It's true. He heard it (constantly) on Fox Newz (not to be confused with any real news organization).

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fox Newz Shows its Stripes Once Again

Fox News (aka Faux News or Fox Newz) has shown its true stripes once again.

Yesterday, President Obama held an afternoon news conference to talk about airline safety and the failure of the nation's intelligence and homeland security communities to prevent an attempt to blow up an aircraft on Christmas Day. As with the failures of 9/11, there was a failure to "connect the dots."

I would have preferred that President Obama be more honest with the American Public. The truth is that any determined individual, or group, can bring down any airliner, or commit any other act of terrorism, and the government can do little to stop them. But, I recognize why he couldn't say so.

What did strike me about the news conference, however, was that the three major news organizations (ABC, CBS, and NBC) interrupted entertainment programming on their networks to cover it live. Fox (Faux) News chose to ignore it. Their regular programming ran without interruption.

I enjoy Fox News. I sometimes watch it for its entertainment value. But, more often I watch it to learn what Big Business, the Republican Party, the wealthy, and their Anti-Tax lobby are doing to brainwash the public in support of their agenda.

It would be a real hoot, if the ramifications for the country weren't so serious.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

RIP Deborah Howell

Deborah Howell was one of the last great newspaper editors. She held the position before Rupert Murdoch, and the Faux News organizations of the world, destroyed the profession.

Ms. Howell did a marvelous job at the St. Paul Pioneer Press, before moving on to other challenges.

She was reportedly struck and killed while crossing a street in New Zealand.

May she Rest in Peace.