Monday, January 25, 2010

Norm Coleman on the Radio

Norm Coleman resurfaced today hosting a program on WCCO AM 830 radio.

He was in rare form.

He criticized the partisanship and lack of civility in Washington. Both were traits which eluded him when he was in office - but he seemed happy to criticize his failings in others.

He also criticized the Democrats for "ignoring" the public rage expressed in last summer's town hall meetings.

After all, populist anger must be listened to. The "public" is happy with their current health insurance. They don't want any government mandated changes.

Norm followed this up by criticizing President Obama for listening to the public anger and attacking the banks.

Populist anger must not be listened to. At least not when it would lead to punishment of Big Business.

Political "Norm Speak" in action. Hogwash.

At least Norm still reads and adheres to the Republican "Talking Points." Ordinary middle class citizens must not be listened to. Big Business, the wealthy, and their supportive Republican drones are the only ones who count.

It's true. He heard it (constantly) on Fox Newz (not to be confused with any real news organization).

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fox Newz Shows its Stripes Once Again

Fox News (aka Faux News or Fox Newz) has shown its true stripes once again.

Yesterday, President Obama held an afternoon news conference to talk about airline safety and the failure of the nation's intelligence and homeland security communities to prevent an attempt to blow up an aircraft on Christmas Day. As with the failures of 9/11, there was a failure to "connect the dots."

I would have preferred that President Obama be more honest with the American Public. The truth is that any determined individual, or group, can bring down any airliner, or commit any other act of terrorism, and the government can do little to stop them. But, I recognize why he couldn't say so.

What did strike me about the news conference, however, was that the three major news organizations (ABC, CBS, and NBC) interrupted entertainment programming on their networks to cover it live. Fox (Faux) News chose to ignore it. Their regular programming ran without interruption.

I enjoy Fox News. I sometimes watch it for its entertainment value. But, more often I watch it to learn what Big Business, the Republican Party, the wealthy, and their Anti-Tax lobby are doing to brainwash the public in support of their agenda.

It would be a real hoot, if the ramifications for the country weren't so serious.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

RIP Deborah Howell

Deborah Howell was one of the last great newspaper editors. She held the position before Rupert Murdoch, and the Faux News organizations of the world, destroyed the profession.

Ms. Howell did a marvelous job at the St. Paul Pioneer Press, before moving on to other challenges.

She was reportedly struck and killed while crossing a street in New Zealand.

May she Rest in Peace.