Monday, July 14, 2008

McCain Campaign Stop

John McCain came to visit the state of Minnesota on Thursday, July 10. He spent about an hour at a meet and greet with the Republican telephone call center team, before retreating to his hotel to rest.

On Friday morning, he crossed the border into western Wisconsin to hold one of his town meetings - this one for women only - in Hudson. The attendees included, God bless them, some of the local crowned Princesses (without a parade in site). As is typical Republican fashion, it was an invitation only event.

Senator McCain did not look to be comfortable in front of the crowd. He looked old and tired. Could it be that the campaign has already aged him?

I like John McCain. I think I'd be honored to have him as a father, a grandfather, or a great grandfather. I can imagine sitting with him for hours, trading stories, talking politics, and perhaps gaining a new perspective on historical events.

While I have much respect for the man, and more than a few policy disagreements, I can't see him as President.

His time has passed.

He's too old.

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