Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Norm Coleman, Apply Directly to the Forehead...

Every time I see Norm Coleman's commercial - You know the one: "He brought hockey back... He brought hockey back..." - it reminds me of the infamous "Head On, Apply directly to the forehead... Head On, Apply directly to the forehead..." commercial.

That product was shown to be little more than a placebo. Unfortunately, Norm Coleman is much more dangerous.

For some reason, Senator Coleman won't talk about his current record of strong support for George W. Bush, and the dirty politics of Karl Rove. Instead, he wants to talk about his record as mayor of St. Paul.

Norm apparently wants people to believe that he was responsible for professional hockey's return to Minnesota. I suppose that's news to all the fine people who worked on the project. But, it's not unusual for a politician, especially one like Norm, to take credit for the work of others.

One thing Norm did deliver, however, was the necessary "corporate welfare" to build the Xcel Center. Yes, it was Norm who saddled the long suffering citizens of St. Paul with the debt to pay for the Xcel Center. They continue to make payments on this debt.

Way to go, Norm!

I'm surprised that he hasn't brought up one of his "major accomplishments" as Mayor of St. Paul. He successfully moved the street maintenance budget out of the "general fund" and replaced it with an annual property assessment. The net result was that the city could collect the ever increasing costs of street maintenance from the tax payers of St. Paul. And, Norm could continue to claim that he "held the line" on taxes. No new Taxes!

Way to go, Norm!

Norm, you lead the way for Governor Tim Pawlenty to use the same tricks. Raise fees, not taxes. Continue to raise fees, all the while preaching "No new taxes."

I'd give just about anything to meet an honest politician today, especially a Republican. But, I fear that they've all been lying for so long that they now believe it's the truth because they've heard it so often.

Sad. Very Sad.

Minnesota deserves better.

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