Like the proverbial canary in a coal mine Michele Bachmann tried
to provide a warning of the danger facing our nation. First, she questioned
whether some members of Congress were being unpatriotic, suggesting that they
should be investigated for un-American activities. She followed up with a
warning about a terrorist group having infiltrated the highest levels of our
Michele Bachmann then falsely accused some innocent
individuals. Those of us who know Ms. Bachmann as being an ignorant bird brain
(with apologies to Big Bird, and other innocent birds everywhere) quickly
dismissed and condemned her unsubstantiated remarks.
In spite of Michele Bachmann’s utter failure to properly
identify the source of the danger facing our country, her warnings do have some
basis in fact (although as a loyal Fox News viewer she’s incapable of accurately
interpreting facts to reach a proper conclusion). Many experts would agree that
a terrorist group has infiltrated the highest levels of our government. In fact, the
leader of one such group, Grover Norquist, owns
the Republican Party. And, they do his bidding – or else…
If all terrorists ran around yelling “Death to America!” as
stereotypical foreign terrorists do, identifying those who have infiltrated the
highest levels of our government would be easy. But it’s not so easy when the
terrorists have been duly elected to serve our nation and choose instead to
swear allegiance to a man whose stated goal is “Death to America.” Sure, Mr.
Norquist has stated it much more subtly. He states that he only wants to reduce
the size of our government to the size where he can “drown it in a bathtub.” It’s
a much more subtle message, allowing Republicans to claim that they’re still
patriotic Americans.
No matter how he states it, the message is clear – Death to
It’s hard to believe that the once proud Republican Party
could have sunk so low. I remember when they stood up for America, not aligning
their “brand” with a man intent on destroying our nation. Yet, Michele
Bachmann, Paul Ryan, and the vast majority of elected Republicans – and Republicans
hoping to be elected, including Mitt Romney - have all signed a pledge to
Grover Norquist and his innocently misnamed “Americans for Tax Reform”
Grover Norquist led his Republican disciples to – for the
first time in American History – start two expensive wars, without raising
taxes to pay for them. Indeed, they took the unprecedented step of also giving wealthy
Americans a huge tax cut. They ran up the national debt to finance their wars, then
turned around and said that our government must cut popular government programs like Social Security and Medicare because they were too expensive in light of our
increasing deficits. Death to America!
When unsustainable healthcare costs were determined to be a
threat to our nation and its citizens, Grover Norquist ordered his disciples to
obstruct any effort to deal with the issue. Democrats
attempted to work with their Republican Party counterparts.
They even weakened parts of the Affordable Health Care Act in an attempt to compromise with
Republicans. But, Grover Norquist ordered his disciples not to compromise. Such
a law, however beneficial to the citizens of our nation, would interfere with
his plan to destroy America. Under his direction, not a single Republican voted
for this first step at securing America’s future. Death to America!
Like a third world dictator, Grover Norquist has repeatedly directed
his Republican Party disciples not to compromise. His orders are to be followed
no matter what – or Else.
Under his orders, Republicans have refused to negotiate on
many matters of critical national importance. Grover Norquist has given them
clear goals to dismantle our government, and because his view is the only correct
view, no negotiation is possible. This philosophy led our nation to the brink
of defaulting on its obligations, resulting in a first ever downgrading of our nation’s
credit rating. The situation could have – and might still, as the Norquist
disciples still refuse to negotiate and compromise - led our nation into defaulting
on our loans, which could have could have easily cascaded into the total financial
collapse of the United States. “Death to America!”
If anyone ever doubted that the Republican Party is owned by Grover Norquist, it was never
more apparent during the Republican Presidential debates. At one of the debates,
the moderator asked each candidate – including Mitt Romney - if they would
accept a deal offering $10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax hikes. All said
“NO.” Grover Norquist wouldn’t allow it. Death to America!
We face serious problems in this nation. Yet, Grover
Norquist is only concerned with one thing: Death to America! And,
unfortunately, his Republican disciples have determined that this unelected
dictator is the holy Savoir needed to lead their party and our nation into the
Heaven help us.
Until Republicans – and all politicians – develop enough of
a spine to stand up to narrow special interest groups and egomaniacal dictators
intent on destroying the United States, our beloved country will continue to be
threatened. Further decline will be inevitable. Death to America!
Those politicians – no matter what their political
affiliation - who sign pledges to special interest groups – especially terrorist
ones - should immediately be disqualified from holding public office. They are
incapable of fully representing the citizens of our free nation. If they’re
currently holding a government position they should be immediately removed and
banned from ever again holding public office.
This election cycle represents some of the clearest choices
I’ve seen in my lifetime. Who do we want to lead our country, President Barack
Obama or Grover Norquist?
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President Barack Obama and Grover
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are irrelevant. They’ve pledged
their loyalty to Grover Norquist, and they will do as he tells them – or Else.
The time is now for patriotic Americans to stand up for our country, and make the right choices. Do we want to remain a respected
free nation, or do we want to elect surrogates for an unelected dictator intent
on destroying our nation?
Michele Bachmann, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and the majority
of the Republican Party have made their choice. They’ve committed to Grover
Norquist as their spiritual leader, and will continue to follow his orders. Death to America!
Patriotic Americans can and should make a different choice. Voters in Wisconsin can make an especially powerful choice when voting. They can vote to prevent Grover Norquist from controlling the Presidency, and they can vote to remove Paul Ryan, a key Norquist disciple, from office.
Finally, in an appeal to Michele Bachmann, her paranoia, and
her misguided religious intolerance, I offer the following to see if she really
wants to investigate possible Islamic terrorist infiltration into our
government. According to his Wikipedia profile, Grover Norquist co-founded a
group called the “Islamic Free Market Institute” (IFMI). The members, sources
of funding, and the goals of the IFMI are unclear. It’s also unknown how much
money Mr. Norquist might have arranged to be laundered through the IFMI into
his misnamed “Americans for Tax Reform” organization to assist him in bringing “Death
to America!”
We’ll probably never know who’s funding Grover Norquist in
his quest to destroy our nation. Like Mitt Romney, he’s determined to keep his
financial dealings hidden. And, unfortunately, current laws allow both of them
to do so. It’s quite amazing.
God Bless America.
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