Thursday, October 25, 2012

Unbelievable $10 Million Offer

I just heard that a new, up and coming, “reality” TV show star, I think they called her “Baby Boo Boo,” just offered to donate ten million dollars to Governor Mitt Romney’s favorite charity if he will:

“Release at least 10 years of his tax filings, amended tax filings, and copies of all correspondence with the IRS regarding those returns, by 5 PM on Wednesday, October 31, 2012.”

Wow. I know that most reality TV stars are idiots, albeit amply paid idiots, but what was “Baby Boo Boo” thinking?

Governor Romney would never be swayed by a mere ten million dollar offer. He has repeatedly stated that such records are “none of the American people’s damn business.” Apparently, they represent his business “trade-secrets” and releasing them would be like the Coca-Cola Company releasing its formula for Coke.

Besides, “average Americans just aren’t capable of understanding his tax returns.” The rules really are very different for very wealthy Americans. “Less affluent people, commonly referred to as the 98%, give us copies of their tax returns, their bank account statements, and their Facebook passwords, along with anything else we request, so that we can know who we’re dealing with. That’s the way it works; not the other way around – that’s backward.”

Baby Boo Boo should know that. The Governor has spoken. Discussion over. No tax returns. And, it was a courageous decision, according to every Fox News "contributor" who insisted on commenting (at great length).

Still, I can understand why Baby Boo Boo made such an outrageous mistake. She’s locked in a bitter ratings battle with the aging “reality” TV star, Donald Trump.

Just a day or two earlier, with massive media coverage (I understand that Fox News spent some sixteen hours breathlessly covering his “Big Announcement”), Mr. Trump had offered his own challenge to President Obama. He offered to donate five million dollars to President Obama’s favorite charity if, by 5 PM on Wednesday, October 31, 2012, President Obama will:

“Release copies of all his college applications, college records, passport applications, passport records, dog license applications with complete vet records, receipts for all his law school text books, his grade-school report cards, at least 30 years of certified dental exam records, and copies of all electric bills that he – or his mother – personally paid since he was first born in Kenya.”

Quite a list, isn’t it (I never would have believed that Donald Trump could be so subtle).

So, “reality show” fans, regardless of which “star” you like best, the newcomer Honey Boo Boo, or the aging, falling star, Donald Trump, which list - if compiled and released - would provide the best information to the American people?

Actually, that’s a trick question. While Governor Romney could easily release his tax returns if he wanted to; it’s impossible for President Obama to release records which don’t exist.

But, really; Why are we more interested in unreal “reality” show stars than we are in finding ways to work together to secure the best future for ourselves, and the generations to come?

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