Watching the President's news conference this morning, it's clear that George W. Bush and Norm Coleman remain on the same page.
Norm Coleman's recent campaign ad had him saying that he knows "times are tough," and acknowledging that people are having trouble making ends meet. This morning President Bush acknowledged the same, saying that it's a "difficult time for many families."
The only thing they they both left out was the the "fact" that we've become "a nation of whiners" which has resulted in us entering a "mental recession" as was so bluntly stated recently by Republican Senator Phil
Gramm. I believe he'd been listening to too much conservative talk radio.
To the typical Republican, there's no recession. Maybe there's been a slight dip in their investment portfolio. But, no recession. And, there's very little pain.
After all, the gas bag drug abuser, Rush Limbaugh, just signed on for another eight years at something like $38 Million per year. Sure, in better times he might have fetched at least $40-50 Million a year, but times are tough.
The fact is, the beneficiaries of the Bush tax cuts are doing quite well. Once their "basic needs" are satisfied for a million or two a year, they still have money left over.
For the average citizen, however, life is not so easy. By the time they pay their housing expenses, feed the family, pay for their medical expenses, and insurance - if they're lucky enough to be able to afford it - there's little or nothing left.
Compare the number of foreclosures in a neighborhood such as North Oaks to the number of forecloses in North Minneapolis or St. Paul's
Frogtown. Which population is feeling more pain from the "fine economy" the Republicans have given us?
I'd love to see a politician be honest once in a while.
Instead of simply acknowledging that the typical American is feeling "pain," I'd like them to acknowledge their role in creating that pain.
Instead of standing up to Karl Rove and the Bush administration's lust for power, wouldn't it have been nice if Norm Coleman, and his Republican colleagues, had stood up and asked the hard questions. Couldn't they have inquired about the wisdom of starting a
three trillion dollar war, while
cutting taxes? Talk about credit card abuse. What were they thinking?
Yet, the Republican message remains the same. The economy is sound. The economy continues to grow. We need more tax cuts to continue on the path.
The nation has endured a "trickle down" economy for many years now. Have the tax cuts for the wealthy helped you?
Think and vote accordingly.