Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are you a Mormon?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - the Mormons - have been running a series of feel good ads around the country. In them, they introduce some of their members. The ads seemingly stress that they have a diverse, inclusive, membership.

The problem is, the Mormons also ran a hate filled ad campaign in California, which encouraged voters to vote against equal rights for all citizens. The ads favored fear and bigotry.

Religious beliefs can be important in people's lives. But past religious beliefs have been shown to be wrong, too. Remember - the earth was once believed to be flat. It was also believed to be the center of the Universe. And, some religious leaders preached that [pick your minority] are inferior to whites.

Whether supported by organized religion, or by Target Corporation donating to support the campaign of a hate-filled candidate, it's wrong.

Hate only breeds more hate.

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