Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Michele Bachmann Again

Jim "the Election Guy" in Michele Bachmann's TV commercials appears to have an unnaturally wide stance that Larry Craig would have been proud of. It looks strange. But, at least he's haunting our TV's rather than airport restrooms.

While the visual stance is weird, the commercials seem to be vintage Republican. One even features the old Republican campaign phrase of "Tax and Spend."

There's no mention of the fact that cutting taxes for the wealthy, while starting two unfunded wars nearly caused the total collapse of our nation's economy. And, there's no mention of the fact that Republicans are the party of "Borrow and Spend."

Sadly, voters continue to respond to false Republican claims about the economy.

Under Republicans, the wealthy can expect to receive lower taxes and preferential treatment. What's left of the middle class can only expect higher taxes and "fees" along with fewer services.

As was the case over the last 10 years, tax cuts for the wealthy will be paid for by our children and grandchildren.

This time, however, the stakes are higher. If Republicans are successful in returning to the policies of the past, a double dip recession will most likely become a reality. The suffering of the middle class will far exceed anything we've seen since the Great Depression.

But, at least companies like BP will thrive, as Michele absolves them of any responsibility for their spills.

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