Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Fox Newz Effect

Recently, a study found that nearly 25% of Americans believe - Incorrectly - that President Obama is a Muslim.

I see this as part of the Fox Newz (It's almost like the news, only different) Effect - after hearing the same lies over and over again, Fox Newz viewers start to believe them.

It's unfortunate. Many Fox Newz viewers are arguably otherwise intelligent individuals. But, by only listening to a single "entertainment" source for their news, they tend to be badly misinformed. They are slowly being brainwashed by a "Big Business" agenda which has also managed to buy the lock-step allegiance of a major political party.

It's sad. The country - and the world - has numerous problems. None will be solved by ideologues pushing extreme agendas. Yet, while ignoring their own extreme view, Fox Newz supporters have been trained to label any view which differs from the prescribed view as extreme (or in the case of the courts, activist).

For any Fox Newz viewer who happens to read this, I would encourage you to explore actual news outlets to obtain your news. While addictions can be tough to break, I'd encourage you to swear off Fox Newz for a month while seeking out objective news sources.

At the end of the month, I'd expect you to be better informed, and probably much less angry than you are now. But, you'd also probably know that President Obama is not a Muslim. And, weapons of mass destruction were not found in Iraq.

I know it's a hell of a challenge. But, America needs all of its best minds to work together to solve the problems we face. We can't afford to continue following loud mouthed "entertainment" ideologues more interested in ratings than in promoting truth and accuracy.

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